
La supervision clinique est obligatoire pour l’inscription aux examens intermédiaires et avancés. Les 90 heures de supervision clinique devront être complétées au plus tard à la fin du mois de décembre de l’année précédent la tenue de l’examen intermédiaire et les 60 heures de supervision clinique devront être complétées au plus tard à la fin du mois d’août de l’année de la tenue de l’examen avancé. Les heures de mentorat peuvent être débutées après avoir terminé le cours Intégration clinique.

The AQPMA will give subsidies to the Quebec physiotherapists challenging the Advanced and Intermediate Canadian Manual Therapy Exams. They need to have completed their courses in Quebec. The subsidies will be $825 for the Intermediate Exam and $450 for the Advanced Exam. The payment will be provided on presentation of the Orthopaedic Division letter sent after finishing and passed the exam. The committee hopes that this will encourage more Quebec physiotherapists to pursue their levels of manual therapy to the point of attaining their Advanced Manual Therapy Diploma.

Fee guideline for mentorship

The following is the suggested guidelines for mentorship payment which is paid by the student directly to the mentor. All financial transactions should be discussed clearly and professionally with the student and the Orthopaedic Division strongly encourages that all fees charged to the student for mentorship are designed to help minimize any lost income by the supervising mentor and not as a means of profit. The fees are up to the mentor to establish.

Direct Clinical Hours Only:
1:1 student: mentor ratio = $50.00/hour suggested
2:1 student: mentor ratio = $60.00/hour suggested
3:1 student: mentor ratio = $70.00/hour suggested
4:1 student: mentor ratio = $80.00/hour suggested

The Orthopaedic Division strongly recommends that a receipt for “services paid” be provided to the manual/manipulative therapy student for proof of payment after the mentor has received full monetary compensation.

University of Western Ontario students for the master program: We suggest that the Western students pay the same price that the CPA ortho division students. They would have to pay the difference of the fees directly to the mentor.