For all information concerning COVID-19 please refer to the AQPMA Facebook page.
Manual Therapy
Makes all the difference for your patients!
Opt for the continuing education program of the Association Québécoise de Physiothérapie Musculo-squelettetique Avancée (AQPMA). The AQPMA is part of the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA).

Recognized courses
Courses at the AQPMA combine both practical and theoretical teaching. Each course is carried out in a group setting to stimulate discussion and clinical reasoning. Groups are limited to 20 students to facilitate practical sessions.

Fully qualified teachers
The AQPMA employs over 30 experienced physiotherapy teachers. Each teacher holds an advanced diploma in orthopaedic manual physiotherapy and has a strong background in manual therapy.